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Cape Foulweather

Posted by
Eric Cousineau (Sherwood Park, Canada) on 23 September 2010 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.

Cape Foulweather is a basalt outcropping 500 feet above the Pacific Ocean on the central coastline of the U.S. state Oregon in Lincoln County south of Depoe Bay. The cape is notable as the first promontory on the northwest coast of New Albion (as the area was then known) to be sighted and named by Captain James Cook, while on his third voyage around the world. His March 7, 1778 journal entry reads: "The land appeared to be of moderate height, diversified with hill and Valley and almost everywhere covered with wood. There was nothing remarkable about it except one hill…At the northern extreme the land formed a point which I called Cape Foulweather from the very bad weather we soon after met with."

PENTAX K200D 1/350 second F/6.7 ISO 100 42 mm (35mm equiv.)

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Benjamin Franklin

I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate, considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do, find the joy in it, and express yourself through your passion.
~Barry Williams

Bettina from Los Angeles, United States

Beautiful spot!! This is excellent. I love the far view to get the big picture!

23 Sep 2010 5:32am

@Bettina: Thank you very much Bettina! Glad you made it back for the rest of the tour..... ;-)

Cruz from exurbia, United States

I agree with Bettina !00%...cannot add any more!

23 Sep 2010 6:05am

@Cruz: Thank you very much Cruz! ;-)

Paco Díaz from Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Good panoramic, and a great place to visit :)

23 Sep 2010 7:05am

@Paco Díaz: Thank you very much Paco! ;-)

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

I like this big frame.. beautiful view.

23 Sep 2010 8:14am

@Sarito: Thank you very much Sarito! ;-)

Phil from Sausset les Pins, France

Nice panoramic view , good frame and colors , Phil.

23 Sep 2010 8:33am

@Phil: Thank you very much Phil! ;-)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

I'm tempted to believe that in foul weather the area might be less attractive....BUT, in your case the Gods were good to you, so the result is this magnificent panorama from above!It is just breathtaking!

23 Sep 2010 10:47am

@Japanalia: Thank you very much Gabriela! It is often the case where extreme weather is the case.... ;-)

Judy aka L@dybug from Brooksville, Florida, United States

...and it definitely is a "point" as Captain James Cook noted in his journal so many years ago.
What a lovely scene you've captured here, Eric.

23 Sep 2010 11:00am

@Judy aka L@dybug: Thank you very much Judy! ;-)

Tracy from La Selva Beach, United States

Looks like you had great weather! Looks like lots of folks have a positive outlook to live in a place called Foulweather!

23 Sep 2010 12:22pm

@Tracy: Thank you very much Tracy! Yes, after all what is in a name??? ;-))

Dutçh from Chicagoland, United States

Love the name, foulweather, a good story to go with this. I was just looking and envying those living there. What a beautiful place to homestead.

23 Sep 2010 12:39pm

@Dutçh: LOL...thank you Kristen! Yes, it is definitely a wonderful place to live..... definitely in the high rent district though..... ;-)

Veronique from Sarrouilles, France

l'air semble très pur et donne une luminosité du tonnerre :-)

23 Sep 2010 12:58pm

@Veronique: Merci beaucoup Veronique! ;-)

Wild Mustang Photography from Carlisle, United States

Stunning view, beautiful color and clarity!Perfect weather and unique name. Interesting!

23 Sep 2010 1:09pm

@Wild Mustang Photography: Thank you very much Pam! Can't take credit for any of those; except the picture..... ;-))

El pare from Prepirineu, Andorra

It seems a wonderful place to live.... oh, once I've thought and written this, I see, Eric, that you have commented the same to the friend Kristen. So, I'm agree.

23 Sep 2010 1:33pm

@El pare: Thank you very much Manel! ;-))

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

Beau cadrage, superbe paysage!

23 Sep 2010 2:52pm

@mo.langel: Merci beaucoup Mo! ;-)

Terral from Ponoka, Alberta, Canada

Beautiful view. A wonderful place.

23 Sep 2010 2:58pm

@Terral: Thank yoy very much Terral! ;-)

PANAMEPHOTOS from Champigny Sur Marne, France

ça donne envie de repartir en vacances

23 Sep 2010 3:21pm

@PANAMEPHOTOS: Je vous remercie beaucoup, Panamephotos et Bienvenue sur mon blog ! Veuillez revenir visiter bientôt.... ;-)

Christel from Köln, Germany

Good evening Eric,
It is interesting every day. The free, open view is fantastic. Trees and plants provide a nice setting and I liked as a foreground motif very well. Perspective, colors and details are excellent. 5 stars *****
Have a nice evening and all the best, for you and your family. Dear greetings Christel

23 Sep 2010 4:12pm

@Christel: Thank you very much Christel! You are very kind...... ;-)

Ioanaz from Bucharest, Romania

A very beautiful photo !

23 Sep 2010 4:17pm

@Ioanaz: Thank you very much Ioanaz! ;-)

StarCosmosBleu from Bedford.Qc, Canada

Fantastic point of view..beautifully composed and captured...interesting intro...what am awesome sight to see...thanks...its superb...

23 Sep 2010 4:53pm

@StarCosmosBleu: Thank you very much Marcel! I am glad you are enjoying the series! ;-)

DowsherVision from PARIS, France

Superbe vue et une bien belle composition !

23 Sep 2010 5:23pm

@DowsherVision: Merci beaucoup DowsherVision! ;-)

Sunder from Chennai, India

WoW! Excellent shot with a breathtaking view!!
Love the plants in the foreground and the colour of water..

23 Sep 2010 6:19pm

@Sunder: Thank you very much Sunder! Glad you enjoyed it! ;-)

kate from lincolnshire, United Kingdom

wow!! so much beauty to see........... well done Eric:)

23 Sep 2010 7:34pm

@kate: Thank you very much Kate! ;-)

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

What an awesome view Eric - great weather too, eh?? Nothing foul about this view. Another lovely scenic, sir! You are really doing some wonderful series - I love them ...I am waiting to see if my beloved Port Orford and Humbug Mountain will be in...but if not, that's ok - this series is STILL wonderful!!

23 Sep 2010 7:48pm

@Denny Jump Photo: Thank you very much Denny! No, unfortunately too many wonderful places to see and far too little time. Maybe on our next trip...... ;-)

PATRICK from miramas, France

splendid just 5******

23 Sep 2010 9:22pm

@PATRICK: Thank you very much Patrick! You are most kind! ;-)

Satvik from Columbus, United States

What a beautiful place ! Wonderful capture Eric, that's an excellent point of view.

24 Sep 2010 2:44am

@Satvik: Thank you very much Satvik! ;-)

Becky from los angeles, United States


24 Sep 2010 4:13am

@Becky: Thank you Becky! ;-)

Bill Brown from California, United States

Stunning view!

24 Sep 2010 4:20am

@Bill Brown: Thank you Bill! ;-)

1/350 second
ISO 100
42 mm (35mm equiv.)
