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A Sense of Perspective

Posted by
Eric Cousineau (Sherwood Park, Canada) on 9 December 2010 in Plant & Nature and Portfolio.

Standing next to stump of a fallen redwood you can truly appreciate their majestic size.

PENTAX *ist D 1/60 second F/4.0 ISO 400 75 mm (35mm equiv.)

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Benjamin Franklin

I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate, considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do, find the joy in it, and express yourself through your passion.
~Barry Williams

El pare from Prepirineu, Andorra

Awesome, Eric. Full of details. Thanks to share this interesting pic.

9 Dec 2010 9:19am

@El pare: Thank you very much Manel! ;-)

Paco Díaz from Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Really incredible! Impressive dimensions. Great document!

9 Dec 2010 9:23am

@Paco Díaz: Thank you very much Paco! Yes they are very impressive! ;-)

Elena Kotrotsou from Drossia, Greece

Wow! This is really huge!!!

9 Dec 2010 9:25am

@Elena Kotrotsou: Thank you very much Elena! Yes an apt description! ;-)

Marie LC from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Very impressive !

9 Dec 2010 9:47am

@Marie LC: Thank you very much Marie! ;-)

Sunder from Chennai, India

Fantastic shot! Nice angle, texture and details...

9 Dec 2010 10:01am

@Sunder: Thank you very much Sunder! ;-)

PATRICK from miramas, France

wow very impressive 5*****

9 Dec 2010 10:26am

@PATRICK: Thank you very much Patrick! You are very kind! ;-)

Larry Elkins from Bisbee, United States


9 Dec 2010 11:22am

@Larry Elkins: Thank you very much Larry! ;-)

Isidro from Barcelona, Spain

impresionante dimensión del tronco del arbol, muy buena!!!

9 Dec 2010 11:22am

@Isidro: Thank you very much Isidro! ;-)

Judy aka L@dybug from Brooksville, Florida, United States

Well done, Georgie .......... and a grand sense of scale for sure. This is how to feel really TINY!

9 Dec 2010 11:52am

@Judy aka L@dybug: Thank you very much Judy! Yes, a truly humbling experience..... ;-)

Stephen from Canberra, Australia

Wow – awesome shot! Imagine trying to count the annual rings of growth on the trunk!

9 Dec 2010 12:22pm

@Stephen: Thank you very much Stephen! At somewhere in the neighbourhood of 1200 years I have run out of fingers and toes...... ;-)

Tamara from Aarschot, Belgium

I knew they were huge.... but seeing it this way makes me really understand what "huge" is ;) Thanks for sharing Eric. Have a nice day :)

9 Dec 2010 1:13pm

@Tamara: Thank you very much Tamara! Yes, it is very humbling standing next to these giants! ;-)

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

Hello Eric, watch your head :))) Great to see you :)

9 Dec 2010 1:44pm

@MARIANA: Thank you very much Mariana! ;-))

¨‘°ºO Dutçh Oº°‘¨ from Neverwhere, United States

You are a little gnome! Wow.. yes.. the size is just MASSIVE!

9 Dec 2010 1:49pm

@¨‘°ºO Dutçh Oº°‘¨: Thank you very much Kristen! ;-))

Phil from Sausset les Pins, France

It is more plump than him !! Funny shot , Phil.

9 Dec 2010 2:05pm

@Phil: Thank you very much Phil! ;-)

Sam from Chennai, India

Wow ... What a magnificent giant tree ! Nice to see you next to the great tree trunk.
Really appreciate the scale. Excellent shot Eric. 5 ***** :)

9 Dec 2010 3:18pm

@Sam: Thank you very much Sam! You are most kind! ;-)

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

Now that's a chunk of wood, ain't it buddy?!? Hey you lok great there too...Excellent idea here for sure...this really opens the eyes of those who have never been there..I have and I still am amazed! Great work Mr C!!

9 Dec 2010 3:21pm

@Denny Jump Photo: Thank you very much Denny! I can only imagine what it looked like when it was alive and standing! ;-)

Laur from Clermont-Ferrand, France

C'est impressionnant un arbre d'une telle taille ! bonne soirée !

9 Dec 2010 3:30pm

@Laur: Merci beaucoup Laurence! ;-)

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States

handsome dude :)))

9 Dec 2010 3:46pm

@john4jack: Thank you very much Jack! ;-)

Terral from Ponoka, Alberta, Canada

That's so amazing. Great perspective.

9 Dec 2010 3:56pm

@Terral: Thank you very much Terral! ;-)

Mhelene from Paris, France

Incredible size !! A superb photo !

9 Dec 2010 4:19pm

@Mhelene: Thank you very much Mhelene! ;-)

LB Vision from paris, France

La nature est impréssionante , jolie photo ! Peace !

9 Dec 2010 4:20pm

@LB Vision: Merci beaucoup LB Vision! Oui, il ne cesse de m'étonner ! ;-)

Candais from Lisieux, Canada

That is increible. Good looking guy, hope it's you ;)

9 Dec 2010 4:42pm

@Candais: Thank you very much Candais! Yes, that would be me...... ;-)

Phil Morris from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

Like rock on the top of this stump, most unbelievable and beautiful.

9 Dec 2010 6:01pm

@Phil Morris: Thank you very much Phil! ;-)

Olivier from Manage, Belgium

The world of Gulliver...

9 Dec 2010 6:02pm

@Olivier: Thank you very much Olivier! Yes, it definitely make you feel small..... ;-)

cristoF from montbéliard, France

c'est géantissime .bravo

9 Dec 2010 6:44pm

@cristoF: Merci beaucoup Cristof! ;-)

Lalena from Barcelona, Spain

Wowwwww!!! Awesome!!!! Amazing!!!!! So lovely to see you in front of this big, big tree!!!! ;-)

9 Dec 2010 7:12pm

@Lalena: Thank you very much Lalena! ;-)

Franz from Baden, Austria

impressive size, cool face!

9 Dec 2010 7:26pm

@Franz: Thank you very much Franz! ;-)

Garfield from Ancaster Ontario, Canada

Breathtaking, Eric ... the tree, I mean :))
I like the compo as well, as per your title .. thanks for sharing

9 Dec 2010 7:33pm

@Garfield: Thank you very much Garfield and welcome to my blog! Please come back and visit soon...... ;-)

Yvon from Orleans, France

terrefic capture

9 Dec 2010 7:51pm

@Yvon: Thank you very much Yvon! ;-)

mohsen from Tehran, Iran

very impressive.Incredible size

9 Dec 2010 8:46pm

@mohsen: Thank you very much Mohsen! ;-)

Veronique from Sarrouilles, France

ah voilà mister minimoy ! mon dieu que c'est grand !

9 Dec 2010 8:55pm

@Veronique: Merci beaucoup Veronique! ;-))

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

Without you it would just look like any stump. It looks as if you are a tiny little toy figure beside the tree.

9 Dec 2010 9:36pm

@B. Thomas: Thank you very much Barbara! Yes, a very humbling experience..... ;-)

Philip from South Wales, United Kingdom

You would need one big chainsaw!!!

9 Dec 2010 10:00pm

@Philip: THank you very much Philip! Not sure they make them that size...... ;-)

Wild Mustang Photography from Carlisle, Massachusetts, United States

This is unbelievable!!!! WOW! I would love to see this? Wonderful shot of you too, Eric! Very nice shot and thanks for sharing this! I can see how big these are by you standing there. That would keep our wood boiler outside burning for 2 years maybe or more, to heat our house?

10 Dec 2010 12:36am

@Wild Mustang Photography: Thank you very much Pam! I think you are probably looking at many more years than that..... ;-)

Kavita from Paramaribo, Suriname

Well...this is great! I've seen big ones too in Suriname but this one is really collosal!

10 Dec 2010 1:00am

@Kavita: Thank you very much Kavita and welcome to my blog! Yes, these giants a some of the largest in the world! Please come back and visit soon.... ;-)

AMH from Buenos Aires, Argentina

really impressive. you look small. wonderful experience for you and for us too. a warm hug. Alejandra

10 Dec 2010 3:03am

@AMH: Thank you very much Alejandra! Yes, it was definitely one of the most wonderful experiences in my life! It is something everyone should do in their lifetime. Thank you for the warm hug it is most appreciated. Currently it is -25C and snowing! ;-)

Georgie from Sherwood Park, Canada

And this isn't even the BIG one!! Sooo cool!!

10 Dec 2010 3:28am

@Georgie: Thank you very much George! Yes, but still impressive none the less..... ;-)

Tracy from La Selva Beach, United States

Wow! This is so amazing!

10 Dec 2010 3:46am

@Tracy: Thank you very much Tracy! ;-)

Bettina from Los Angeles, United States

Wow, fantastic! What an insane size. Great to see the comparison!

10 Dec 2010 4:08am

@Bettina: Thank you very much Bettina! ;-)

Becky from los angeles, United States

wow, Eric!! it's stupendous! I have to pick my jaw up off the floor now.

10 Dec 2010 4:28am

@Becky: Thank you very much Becky! Sorry, didn't want you to hurt yourself..... ;-))

Jen Meers from Edmonton, Canada

COWABUNGA Eric!! Yes now I see what you were talking about! This one is HUMONGOUS!

10 Dec 2010 6:04am

@Jen Meers: Thank you very much Jen! ;-)

Evelyne Dubos from Le Mans, France

Vraiment impressionnant !! On peut ainsi vraiment bien se rendre compte de la taille de ces géants.
Une merveille cette forêt, à protéger à tous prix !!

10 Dec 2010 8:36am

@Evelyne Dubos: Merci beaucoup Evelyne ! Oui, ces géants magiques doivent être protégées à tout prix ! Malheureusement, il y a trop de pression de sociétés à les couper et réaliser un bénéfice. J'espère que si les gens du monde entier peut soulever leurs voix nous sauverons ces géants douces antiques. ;-)

Anne from a little red dot, Singapore

That's really an impressive giant redwood, amazing size and like your title -- great perspective and details...well seen, Eric :-) Have a nice weekend.

10 Dec 2010 10:06am

@Anne: Thank you very much Anne! Have a great weekend! ;-)

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

Really majestic !!! I'm surprised !!!

10 Dec 2010 12:51pm

@Hiro: Thank you very much Hiro! ;-)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

It's hard to believe...indeed!

13 Dec 2010 11:15am

@Japanalia: Thank you very much Gabriela! ;-)

Don Levesque from Saint John, NB, Canada

The size is almost unbelievable...great capture!

13 Dec 2010 7:23pm

@Don Levesque: Thank you very much Don! Even now I find it unbelievable..... ;-)

StarCosmosBleu from Bedford.Qc, Canada

That is some tree trunk..great shot to show perspective....

14 Dec 2010 4:09pm

@StarCosmosBleu: Thank you very much Marcel! ;-)

1/60 second
ISO 400
75 mm (35mm equiv.)
