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Baggage Carriers are Great

Posted by
Eric Cousineau (Sherwood Park, Canada) on 10 August 2014 in People & Portrait and Portfolio.

PENTAX K-5 1/25 second F/4.5 ISO 3200 75 mm (35mm equiv.)

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Benjamin Franklin

I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate, considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do, find the joy in it, and express yourself through your passion.
~Barry Williams

PATRICK from miramas, France

séance de gym excellent

10 Aug 2014 7:07am

Jean-Luc T. from Juignac, France

L'exercice est difficile. Belle image, Eric.

10 Aug 2014 11:39am

Mamyni from Argenteau-Visé, Belgium

Même à l'hôtel les enfants trouvent à s'amuser!!!
belle photo.

10 Aug 2014 2:15pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

Always nice to see a lad having fun!

10 Aug 2014 2:45pm

Martine Libouton from Bousval, Belgium

Très bien prit! belle photo de ton petit fils!

10 Aug 2014 3:16pm

Adela Fonts from Barcelona, Spain

Stunning! This is an athlete! A hug dear friend! Adela

10 Aug 2014 5:19pm

Baldwin Vandewalle from Bejuma, Venezuela

That's going to make him a strong boy ... Beautiful image Eric !!!

10 Aug 2014 6:56pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

The young gymnast is about to perform.

10 Aug 2014 10:53pm

Calusarus from Drome des collines, France

What a pity : carrying children as luggages ! But they are humans ! :-)

Nice and funny capture

11 Aug 2014 4:44am

L'Angevine from Angers, France

il a une force

11 Aug 2014 7:52am

1/25 second
ISO 3200
75 mm (35mm equiv.)
